Portfolio Company Alpine-X Featured in Forbes


There are currently an estimated 9.2 million active skiers and snowboarders in the U.S., according to data from Alpine-X, a Virginia-based development company.

Seem like a lot? Let’s consider the participation numbers for other outdoor recreation activities.

There are, for instance, 60 million anglers in the U.S., according to the American Sportfishing Association. Recreational fishing has a $115 billion impact on the the U.S. economy. In 2019, there were approximately 49.69 million hikers and 16.62 million kayakers in the U.S.

One might think, then, that there should be more than 9.2 million active skiers and snowboarders in the States. Alpine-X certainly does. And the company plans to address the market gap in snowsports recreation by bringing multiple indoor snowsports resorts to 20-plus U.S. markets.

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